Welcome to Canyon Petals

It has been said that writing poetry is like dropping rose petals into the Grand Canyon and waiting for an echo. Here is a poetry forum for catching those petals, holding them close, and savoring their fragrance.

Thomas Rowlandson, Love

Learning to Love a Poem

Why bother? some might say.

I just don’t get poetry.

Those who write poems want to reach you, whoever and wherever you are. Poetry is an ancient art that dares to say what is felt, right down to the beats of a heart, and scent of honeysuckle. Or falling in love, or losing a friend. Reading poetry deepens understanding of these, and everything else that makes us human. I hope you’ll drop by often for a chat about poems, and allow a few petals to drift into your days.


Just as a rose is composed of so many petals,
the fragmentary moments of awareness in our everyday lives gather into our wholeness. Poetry lifts veils to  the awesome in ordinary things, and to borrow the words of James Joyce, offers “epiphanies in everdayness.”

roses by Vincent van Gogh
Vincent van Gogh, Roses
Sea Cove by Albert Bierstadt
Albert Bierstadt, Sea Cove

Sea of Life

Take a seat . . .

Think of a poem as a window to the ocean of life – a window that imposes order on chaos. What you see just might change your world view.

Be brave in your worth and ask, is that dissonance music misunderstood? Celestial bodies burn and freeze, melt and break, change the weather, yet turn close and apart in equal measure, and hum to us their spherical tune from the moment of our birth. So let us sit together unboxed, shape a new betweeness in the cradle of a curve, and listen there awhile.

– from “Re-formation”, Sublunary Musings

Here, amidst the delicate weave of words and emotions, your voice matters deeply. Whether you’re a reader longing to share your reflections or simply a soul moved by the beauty of poetry, I invite you to reach out. Your questions, contributions, and insights are the lifeblood that enriches this community. Let’s connect and continue to celebrate the art that speaks directly to the heart!